
  • Charité University Medicine Berlin, Germany
  • DCPrime, Netherlands
  • Diagnostik Netzwerk Berlin Brandenburg - DiagnostikNet | BB, Germany
  • Fasteris SA, Switzerland
  • Haukeland University Hospital, Helse Bergen, Norway
  • Medical University of Graz, Austria
  • Natural and Medical Sciences Institute (NMI) Reutlingen, Tumor Biology, Germany
  • Oceanbasis GmbH, Kiel, Germany
  • Therycell GmbH, Berlin, Germany
  • Technical University (TU) Berlin, Germany
  • University Clinics Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany
  • University Medical Clinic (UMC) Mainz, Department of Internal Medicine 3, Germany
  • University Hospital Essen (UKE), Germany
  • University Hospital Erlangen, Department of Internal Medicine 5 - Hematology/Oncology, Germany


HS Diagnomics GmbH

Schloßstrasse 110
12163 Berlin

Tel. +49(30)700 14 53 30
Fax +49(30)546 11 698

Customer Support
Tel. +49(30)700 14 53 31



Project Update: HS Diagnomics has entered into the international collaborative project ELEVATE with TU Wien, NMI Tübingen, Sciospec, UpNano, and THT Biomaterials
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HSDiagnomics partners with Charité University Medicine Berlin, TheryCell GmbH, and EPO GmbH in an innovative project to advance TCR-T therapy for solid tumors
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TCRsafe® analysis of a Runx1 knockout mouse model provides evidence for a role of RUNX1 as a recombinase cofactor for TCRbeta rearrangements and pathological deletions
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ZIM-Project TCR-specific Antigen Identification - TAgID
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Patent granted for the identification of tumor-specific T-cell receptors
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